About Dog-ON-It-Parks

Dog-ON-It-Parks is a collaboration of ideas in many ways. When you combine 35 years experience as a veterinary assistant (including showing and breeding dogs!) with 25 years of experience designing playground equipment for public parks, the result is a wide range of pet-friendly products designed by experts.

Our goal at Dog-ON-It is to specialize in dog park products that draw people to dog parks and help make every community more pet-friendly. A trip to the dog park is one of the very few multi-generational activities the whole family can enjoy, in a setting that is welcoming to everyone regardless of age or physical ability.

As avid dog owners – We have over 800 pounds of dogs at the office! – we want each and every agility product to be safe, fun, and incredibly durable.

Top Dog! With the assistance of our enthusiastic and extremely dedicated staff (see directory below), we have quickly become the world leader in pet products specifically designed for dog parks and pet-friendly communities.

Here in the dog-friendly Pacific Northwest, we say that if your town doesn’t have a dog park, it is one! While that's just fine for "dog people" like us, it can sometimes cause friction within the community if people are using undesignated areas as dog parks (especially if they forget to pick up afterwards).

Our vision is to make every community more pet-friendly by helping to create destinations where both people and their dogs can get exercise and fresh air.

Feel free to contact us if there's a product you'd like to see or just to let us know how we are doing. Thanks for stopping by!

Nora VandenBerghe

Pet’s Name(s):
 Ripley (Great Dane)
Funniest Quirk:
She greets all her favorite people with a big "AWWWOOOO!" 
Favorite Treat:
Sardines, dog biscuits, green beans, anything raw...and she especially loves getting a cheeseburger for her birthday!
Best Trick:
 Ripley opens doors on her own, loves playing soccer and is frequently found with two tennis balls in her mouth. 
What I love about my pet(s):
She makes me smile every day and I can't imagine life without her.

Kristina's dogs sitting on a sidewalk

Kristina Blair

Accounting/HR Manager 


Pet’s Name(s):  Penny & Jasper 
Funniest Quirk:
Jasper lays like many Aussies nicknamed “Splooting”, laying with his back legs splayed out
Favorite Treat:
Jasper will eat ANY human food and likes to pick fresh carrots out of the garden.  Penny loves being pet and cares not about treats.
Best Trick:
Training my husband to get whatever they want!

What I love about my pet(s):

Each of their very different personalities.  Penny thinks she is a Queen and prefers to do things at her own pace but is a very good rabbit and rat hunter.  Jasper is too smart, still learns new things quickly and pays close attention to the smallest of cues.  He knows hundreds of commands and hand cues.

Christina Clifton
Sales Support Manager

Pet’s Name(s):  Banjo & Frankie 
5 and 3
Funniest Quirk:
Banjo likes to "play" in the fish pond and Frankie has a fondness for nibbling ears. 
Favorite Treat:
Best Trick:
Banjo likes to help us all with our office yoga and Frankie already knows how to sit.

What I love about my pet(s):

They make me smile! 

Susan Zaretzke
Sales Support & Accounts Receivable

Pet’s Name(s):  None currently, but Fairy Godmother to all the office dogs
Don't ask!
Favorite Part of My Job: 
I love coming into the office when one or more of our four-legged co-workers are there too. 
Favorite Treat:
Chocolate for Susan and Trader Joe's Cheeseburger Dog Treats (not for Susan!). 
Best Trick:
Banjo (pictured) is a HUGE help with customer quotes. 

What I love about my co-workers pet(s):

They are always in a good mood and it's contagious!

Rebecca Donovan

Sales, Purchasing & Customer Service


Pet’s Name(s):  Two cats, named wait for it... Jack & Diane
5 years and 6 months
Favorite Part of My Job: 
Getting my puppy fix at work; I'm unable to have my own dog. 
Favorite Treat: Jack's favorite treat seems to be the tips of my fingers and Diane likes to show off her rear end on Zoom calls. 
Best Trick: ALWAYS managing to bite my fingers when I give them treats. 

What I love about my   pet(s):

Unconditional love! 

Liz Penney 


Pet’s Name(s):  Butter & Popcorn (Honorary Office "Dogs")
1 year 
Funniest Quirk:
Head banging and strutting  
Favorite Treat:
Meal Worms
Best Trick:
Giving me the cutest eggs!

What I love about my pet(s):

Their hair-do's and how silly they area 

Kathy Max


Pet’s Name(s):
4-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog
Funniest Quirk:
Allows our pet rats to ride around on her back
Favorite Treat:
Any kind of cheese
Best Trick:
Sage can climb backwards up the stairs.
What I love about my pet(s):
She can read my mind!